miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

My friends and I spend too much time toguether, in spite of haven´t got money we can go out. I love parties but crisis in Spain don´t let me go out as many times that I want, studies also don´t let me go out too much. In my free time my friends and I go to the beach, or comments about what is happening in our lifes in a coffee shop. I love spending times with them, but in holidays I always travel to Germany to see my friends from there.

My boyfriend and I spend time toguether in weekends, I am waiting to this saturday that my exams end and we can go shopping, to the cinema or some like this. He work like a safe guard in Portman but this year we are going to travel abroad, we want to go to London for a weekend and then to Italy.

Life is too short and we must spend it the best that we can and not to waste time with people that make you feel bad. However sometimes we haven´t got option and something bad happen like losing a person, We should try go out much times and less worries. I love my life, my family and friends and my boyfriend of course.

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